

'The Fall', Mixed Media, Figures 1/2 Life Size

‘And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.New King James Version, Hebrews 4:13

… And so it goes, from the beginning of time, the omnipresent eye has been watching and monitoring.

My interest in the Legend of Adam & Eve is that it addresses the contemporary social issues of our transparent society with the proliferation of surveillance and monitoring; tracking citizens through an electronic trail of data. 


'Camera Installation' (detail), mixed media, 2006

“… the seeing machine has become a transparent building in which the exercise of power may be supervised by society as a whole”, Foucault

My area of interest is in the current highly political and social issues surrounding the proliferation of surveillance and monitoring: tracking citizens through an electronic trail of data collected for the purposes of surveillance and commercialism.   

My work is conceptual, ideas based and multi-disciplinary; sculpture, installation and sound.  The intention of my resolved practice is to convey the notion of our transparent society by subverting the notion of surveillance, making the covert, overt and the private public.  This is translated through deep and physical engagement within the subject matter and with the materials I use whilst developing a subtle narrative to convey the message of the work. 

I am principally influenced by the ‘Panoptican’, 1791, an architectural blueprint designed by philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), coupled with current affairs surrounding the ubiquity of surveillance.  Bentham’s historical architectural design appears to act as a continuum within the present climate of the omnipresence of overt and covert monitoring technologies that are gradually dissolving society’s opaqueness and thus making our lives and indeed the world in which we live transparent.  It is these ideas which influence my work.

... Click here to download 'What ...', Lightbox Installation, 2006, 'Camera Installation', 2006 and 'Sound Installation', 2006 from 'Working Space' Exhibition 

Images below from 'Working Space', 2006

'Camera Installation' (section), mixed media, 2006

'Camera Installation' (section), mixed media, 2006

'Camera Installation' (section), mixed media, 2006

'What ...', mixed media, 2006

'What ...', (Lightbox Installation, left box detail), mixed media, 2006

'What ...', (Lightbox Installation, right box detail), mixed media, 2006

... Click here to download 'I See, You See ...', 2006

Work in progress ...

'Camera 1', (detail), clear cast resin, 2006
